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In: Drug Treatment

Is Relapsing a Total Failure?

Relapsing is Part of Recovery Relapsing can be defined as going back to drug or alcohol abuse after a period of…

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What is Detox and How Long Should It Take?

What is detox? Detox is the very first step of recovery once someone enters treatment. When you have been abusing a…

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ptsd and addiction
PTSD and Trauma Leading to Addiction

If you feel as if your PTSD and addiction are linked, and your trauma is leading to addiction, chances are you…

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The Top 10 Warning Signs of Becoming Addicted to Medication

Substance abuse and addiction isn’t just limited to alcohol and street drugs. It can also be very easy to become addicted…

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anxiety medication
Can I Become Addicted to My Anxiety Medication?

Anxiety can be a debilitating condition that can lead to things like negative consequences and even panic attacks. Anxiety medication can…

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mental health and addiction
Co-Occurring Mental Health and Addiction

What Is a Co-Occurring Disorder? Updated on 05/20/24 The coexistence of both a mental health disorder and a substance abuse use…

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Is Addiction Hereditary?

Looking at Your Family History It can be widely speculated that addiction can be hereditary. If there are addicts in your…

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What Support You Should Have After Treatment

What happens after treatment? When you leave a treatment facility, you will be entering an entirely new life. For many people,…

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anxiety and addiction
Anxiety and Addiction

Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders Anxiety is a complex condition that affects millions of people all over the world. It is a…

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Why Involving Family is Key to Success

Substance abuse is a family disease A little known fact that families of addiction tend to overlook is that addiction is…

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